MJBizCon Cannabis Show in Las Vegas; Investor Ideas talks to Wolf of Weed Street, @WolfOfWeedST

Delta, BC and Las Vegas, NV - November 29, 2018 (Investorideas.com Newswire) www.Investorideas.com, a global news source covering marijuana and hemp stocks and its cannabis podcast site www.potcasts.ca reports from Las Vegas, at this year's biggest MJBizCon show to date, from the first ever Podcasters Row.
Investor Ideas met with Jason Spatafora, known as Wolf of Weed Street, at MJBizCon to discuss his entry, strategy and experience in investing in the cannabis space.

After a couple of months of email tag trying to set up an interview with the infamous Wolf of Weed Street, we finally got to meet him in at the iconic MjBiz Conference in Vegas for an interview.
Many have mixed opinions of Jason. Maybe his social media persona is like an olive - you either hate them or its part of your daily diet. For all of you olive haters out there; we love olives and we loved Jason, one of the nicest guys you might meet at a cannabis conference.
His interview gave great insight into his start in investing in cannabis stocks. When asked what he looked for in winning cannabis penny now versus the early years, as the US market has changed with NASDAQ listed cannabis companies being front and center, he said, "When I first started I had no clue what I was doing....the first company I invested in did payment processing. I put $500 in, never invested in a penny stock in my life before. It went up 50% and two days later it tanked; I was like, "what the hell just happened?"
He went on to say, "Initially I thought 'there is something to this volatility but I need to look at this differently', so I focused on the agricultural side; the lights, the picks and shovels...That is how I grew and made some big money and lost a lot of money and it wasn't until the first bubble burst which was around April 2014 that I realized I didn't know anything."
Continued: "The rules for companies in the US versus Canada are completely different. Its convertible debt...the US is a crap shoot. So the first thing I do is, I Google the CEO's name and type 'fraud' next to it or 'scam'. I'd look at the companies he did before, if any. What was the status of them? Did this guy have 4 shells before and they all sucked?"
Continued: "Now it is how is everyone going to fit into the global cannabis market? I look at the Canadian market as there are a lot of great companies but there are also a lot of baby seals. (They are all going to get clobbered). Unless you have some sort of IP and you are frugal with your money, you will be ok. I think that what we are going to see is a lot of these smaller companies (the baby seals), if they are smart-they get together and they try to plant smaller flags and cast a wider net together to share costs etc. At the end of the day, in a couple years, they are not going to be able to compete with the Auroras, the Canopy Growths, The Aphria's of the world."
After our interview we got the chance to stop by his suite in Vegas to talk and exchange life stories with Jason and his wife. We compared notes about everything - from getting 3-year olds nails painted for the first time, the need for more women in the cannabis industry and lessons we have learned along the way from getting burnt in the market.
Jason and his wife were one of the highlights of the trip. Four things we learned about Jason; he's smarter than you, he has no time for phoniness, he truly loves the cannabis sector, and his wife is awesome!
So the next time you are feeling salty about the Wolf; order that martini with three olives The Wolf of Weed Street isn't going anywhere but forward.
Editorial - Cali Van Zant, Investorideas.com
Interview with Jason Spatafora, Wolf of Weed Street, at Podcast Row, #MJBizCon
Interview with Jason Spatafora, Wolf of Weed Street, at Podcast Row, #MJBizCon
About MJBizCon: https://mjbizconference.com/vegas/
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Additional info regarding BC Residents and global Investors: Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info: https://www.bcsc.bc.ca/release.aspx?id=6894. Global investors must adhere to regulations of each country.
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