Investor Ideas Potcasts #Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: (CSE: $VGW.C) (CSE: $BAMM.C) (TSX: $WEED.TO) (NYSE: $CGC) (CSE: $LIB.C)
This month's cannabis podcasts brought to you by CLS Holdings USA, Inc. (OTCQB: $CLSH) @CLSHusa

Delta, Kelowna, BC - November 29, 2018 ( Newswire), a global news source covering leading sectors including marijuana and hemp stocks and its potcast site, and its exclusive content partner, CLS Holdings USA, Inc. (OTCQB: CLSH), release today's edition of potcastsCM - cannabis news and stocks to watch plus insight from thought leaders and experts.
CLS Holdings USA, Inc. (OTCQB: CLSH) is a diversified cannabis company operating as Cannabis Life Sciences an integrated cannabis producer and retailer in Nevada through its Oasis Cannabis subsidiaries with plans to expand into other States.
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Investor Ideas Potcasts #Cannabis News and Stocks on the Move: (CSE: $VGW.C) (CSE: $BAMM.C) (TSX: $WEED.TO) ( NYSE: $CGC) (CSE: $LIB.C)
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Today's podcast overview/transcript:
Good afternoon, welcome to another "potcast", featuring stocks to watch, cannabis news as well as insights from thought leaders and experts.
Today we will be looking at announcements from Valens GroWorks Corp. (CSE: VGW) (OTC: MYMSF), Body and Mind Inc. (CSE: BAMM)(OTC: BMMJ), Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED) (NYSE: CGC) and Liberty Leaf Holdings Ltd. (CSE: LIB) (OTCQB: LIBFF).
Valens GroWorks Corp., a licensed, vertically integrated provider of cannabis products and services focused on various proprietary extraction methodologies, distillation, cannabinoid isolation and purification, as well as associated quality testing announced that it has established an expanded research collaboration agreement with Thermo Fisher Scientific.
As part of the collaboration, Valens will utilize Thermo Fisher's instruments and consumables to develop and validate analytical methods for the study of cannabis. The findings of this collaboration will be co-promoted through application notes, publication of peer-reviewed articles, conference presentations, and webinars.
"We are excited to expand our partnership with Thermo Fisher Scientific and capitalize upon our mutual interests to strengthen industry testing standards and increase patient safety," says Tyler Robson, CEO of Valens GroWorks. "This research collaboration showcases the level of expertise of our scientific personnel and their drive to lead the industry in the analysis of cannabis. Our ISO 17025 accredited laboratory combined with the resources and scientific experience available from Thermo Fisher puts us in a great position to execute on our initiatives in the analytical testing space."
Body and Mind Inc. and Australis Capital Inc. (CSE: AUSA) announced an investment by BaM into Green Light District Holdings, Inc. by way of a USD $5,200,000 senior secured convertible note at a rate equal to 20% per annum. The note is convertible into 89.75% of the shares of GLDH at the option of the Company. In addition, BaM has an agreement to issue additional consideration to David Barakett totalling USD $6,297,580 payable in shares of BaM at price of CAD $0.7439 upon meeting certain milestones. The price was calculated using a 5-day volume weighted average price as of November 28, 2018. BaM's investment in GLDH was funded in part by a $4,000,000 secured loan from Australis.
GLDH is the owner of the well-known ShowGrow dispensary brand and owner of the ShowGrow Long Beach dispensary, 43% of the equity interest and 60% of the voting rights in the ShowGrow San Diego dispensary, 30% equity interest in ShowGrow Las Vegas, and 100% ownership of the popular ShowGrow app. The dispensaries are in various stages of licensing: Long Beach has a medical license, San Diego has a conditional use permit ("CUP"), and Las Vegas has a recreational license. GLDH focuses on building dispensaries in high volume locations and will continue to work toward receiving its recreational status at both Long Beach and San Diego. ShowGrow San Diego still requires build out and is not yet open for business.
Leonard Clough, BaM's CEO commented, "Our gratitude goes to the team at Australis, who worked tirelessly in assisting us in getting this deal completed within a one-week period. Australis not only provided BaM with a secured credit facility, but also agreed to exercise approximately 3.2 million warrants to allow us to maintain a responsible debt to equity ratio. This is a demonstration of how the Australis and BaM relationship benefits both our shareholders. Secondly, I am happy to welcome David to our team and believe that this opportunity is multi-dimensional as it provides a benefit to almost all our business segments."
Canopy Growth Corporation and MediPharm Labs Inc., a specialized cannabis extraction business licensed under the Cannabis Act, and a wholly owned subsidiary of MediPharm Labs Corp. (TSXV: LABS) have entered into a strategic supply agreement dated November 29, 2018.
Under the 18-month agreement, MediPharm will supply up to 900kg of cannabis extract for sale to Canopy Growth and its subsidiaries. Canopy Growth has committed to purchasing a minimum of 450kg with an option to purchase an additional 450kg.
"As the industry matures we are seeing exciting businesses like MediPharm establish specialized skill sets that will drive the industry forward. Extraction is now and will continue to be an opportunity to develop expertise and IP," said Bruce Linton, Chairman & Co-CEO, Canopy Growth. "We continue to develop our own capacity in this area and are pleased to work with MediPharm, a leading team that has demonstrated it shares this vision."
Liberty Leaf Holdings Ltd. announced that its subsidiary, Just Kush Enterprises Ltd., submitted its Affirmation of Readiness ("AOR") evidence package to Health Canada on November 29, 2018.
This submission is the final stage in Just Kush's strategy and efforts to obtain regulatory approval for Cannabis Licensing, which has included the buildout and upgrading of its facility, and compliance with all of Health Canada's Cannabis Licensing requirements. The AOR submission was orchestrated and shepherded by Cannabis Compliance Inc. ("CCI"), a respected firm with a proven track record for success in this area.
Completion of the AOR involved certifying the readiness of the facility itself, and producing an attestation video and comprehensive report with evidence supporting the Company's adherence to Health Canada's standards and requirements for Cannabis Licensing.
"We are extremely gratified that we have reached the culmination of all our planning and efforts to effect the AOR submission," said Will Rascan, President and CEO of Liberty Leaf. "Special thanks goes out to the hard work by the Just Kush team. Our confidence level in the success of this submission, as well as the expertise of CCI as a part of the team, is exceptionally high."
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This podcast is sponsored by

CLS Holdings USA, Inc. (OTCQB: CLSH)
CLS Holdings USA, Inc. (CLSH) is a diversified cannabis company that, subject to receipt of certain anticipated regulatory approvals, acts as an integrated cannabis producer and retailer through its Oasis Cannabis subsidiaries in Nevada, and plans to expand to other states.
CLS stands for "Cannabis Life Sciences," in recognition of the Company's patented proprietary method of extracting various cannabinoids from the marijuana plant and converting them into products with a higher level of quality and consistency. The Company's business model includes licensing operations, processing operations, processing facilities, sale of products, brand creation and consulting services.
For additional information, please visit:
Twitter: @CLSHusa
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