MJBizCon #Cannabis Show in Las Vegas Showcases Growth in Sector; Aurora Cannabis (NYSE: $ACB), Acreage Holdings (CSE: $ACRG.U.C), DirectView Holdings Inc. (OTC: $DIRV), Cronos Group (NYSE: $CRON)

Point Roberts, WA and Las Vegas, NV - November 19, 2018 (Investorideas.com Newswire) www.investorideas.com, a global news source covering marijuana and hemp stocks and its cannabis podcast site www.potcasts.ca report from Las Vegas at this year's biggest MJBizCon show to date, from the first ever Podcasters Row.
Since it was founded seven years ago, MJBizCon has grown to become the largest trade show in the cannabis industry.
This year's record attendance was a notable reflection of the sectors growth and all the industry professionals on the floor were impressed.
Roger Ralston, CEO of DirectView Holdings Inc. (OTC: DIRV), there to introduce his security surveillance technology to industry peers, when asked about the conference, like many others in attendance, said, "I'm just blown away by how many people are here. I've heard numbers from 25,000 to 30,000 people are here and I look around and it's a sea of people and I see opportunity all over the place."
Ralston went on to discuss the industry response he and DIRV received stating, "It's very positive! The fortunate part that we have is that all these people here that have booths have specialized items and they may be selling certain things to certain industries and certain sized shops, and as I've said before, we're like the electric company, so the products and services we sell are something virtually everybody here can use. The opportunities here are boundless."
Interview with CEO, Roger Ralston of DirectView Holdings Inc. (OTC: DIRV) at Podcaster Row, MJBizCon
Cannabis Potcast Interview with CEO of DirectView Holdings Inc. (OTC: $DIRV) at Podcaster Row, MJBizCon
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Terry Booth, CEO of Aurora Cannabis (NYSE: ACB) (TSX: ACB), speaking in a panel session said regarding the 2018 Farm Bill in US "If this farm bill passes in the US, the US may very well beat us (Canada) to the punch with regards to CBD."
Talking about funded capacity versus actual capacity in the cannabis space he said, "Nobody is at full capacity yet. There's a big difference between the funded capacity versus actual plant product available and the global demand for cannabis is very significant."
Booth also said about late stage Canadian companies entering the Canadian market "If you're a Canadian company just starting out in the cannabis space and looking to go public in Canada, I'd say 'Good luck!' However, if you're based in the US and looking to go public on the Canadian exchanges I think it's a great opportunity and hats off to you."
Acreage Holdings did just that and listed last week on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE: ACRG.U ); with "U" indicating shares trade in U.S. dollars. With one of the largest geographic footprints of any cannabis company, it currently owns and/or operates cultivation, processing and dispensary operations,
The first day of MJBizCon featured a 'Fireside Chat' with Acreage CEO, Kevin Murphy. With former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives John Boehner and former Governor of the State of Massachusetts, Bill Weld on its Board of Advisors and now former Prime Minister of Canada, Brian Mulroney joining the Board as well, this was one of the most talked about companies at the conference.
Other room-filled panels included 'Globalization of Cannabis: Trends & Opportunities' panelists with speakers Alfredo Pascual, International Analyst, Marijuana Business Daily; Deepak Anand, VP, Business Development & Government Relations, Cannabis Compliance and Mike Gorenstein, CEO of Cronos Group (NASDAQ: CRON) (TSX: CRON).
For investors following the sector that had an opportunity to attend MJBizCon, they would have to agree the growth of the conference and the sector is explosive and even though not all panel members agreed on where the industry is heading, the crowded conference spoke for itself.
For investors following cannabis stocks, Investor Ideas has created a stock directory of publicly traded CSE, TSX, TSXV, OTC, NASDAQ, NYSE, ASX Marijuana/Hemp Stocks
About MJBizCon: https://mjbizconference.com/vegas/
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Additional info regarding BC Residents and global Investors: Effective September 15 2008 - all BC investors should review all OTC and Pink sheet listed companies for adherence in new disclosure filings and filing appropriate documents with Sedar. Read for more info: https://www.bcsc.bc.ca/release.aspx?id=6894. Global investors must adhere to regulations of each country.
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